by Lynda Schwartz | Mar 25, 2020
E-LEARNING Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Refresher Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Refresher, an eLearning course, reinforces key concepts that law enforcement officers apply to observe, identify, and articulate the...
by Lynda Schwartz | Mar 25, 2020
E-LEARNING Drug Endangered Children (DEC): Overview Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Overview, an eLearning course, provides a basic understanding of the risks of parental or caregiver substance abuse and drug activity to children. The content helps law enforcement...
by Lynda Schwartz | Mar 25, 2020
E-LEARNING Drug Endangered Children: Postnatal Risks – How You Can Make a Difference Postnatal Risks – How You Can Make a Difference, an eLearning course, demonstrates how an environment of substance use and drug activity can affect drug endangered children...
by Lynda Schwartz | Mar 25, 2020
E-LEARNING Drug Endangered Children: Prenatal Substance Exposure – Why Should I Care? Prenatal Substance Exposure – Why Should I Care, an eLearning course, demonstrates the dangers of prenatal substance exposure for drug endangered children (DEC)...
by Lynda Schwartz | Mar 25, 2020
E-LEARNING Drug Endangered Children: You Can Change the Long-Term Outcomes of Drug Endangered Children You Can Change the Long-Term Outcomes of Drug Endangered Children, an eLearning course, demonstrates how exposure to drug activity and substance use has long-term...